Yesterday I was sitting on the edge of my window…the sky was painted in orange hue…I was enjoying the setting sun…thinking that one day I will set forever like this sun…of course I have a long way to go…but that day will come for sure…

Ten years ago…I was a reckless and immature girl…I was lost…flying in every possible direction…and today I am a different person…I am more focused & confident…my attitude has changed…I have wings but today I know my direction and my destiny…

I still can’t believe so much time flew away…it feels like yesterday when I was a total nutcase…I know in the next ten years…I will learn more…I will grow more mentally and may be physically too…I would be a different person from what I am today…I would be more wiser and wicked 😀 …might have found a new destiny too…but…I would definitely be sitting on the edge of my window…sipping a hot coffee…enjoying the setting sun…thinking about the next ten years of my life…

Till then I will live in the moment…and learn something more about you & me…about love & life…about something & nothing…because LEARNING NEVER ENDS…