It was a mere coincidence that just like WOW Prompt…I was also thinking about writing on which super power I would like to have…well as usual my list is tooooo  long 😀

I like Spiderman…Batman…Superman, nah he is okie dokie…Ironman…how about Professor Charles Xavier or Magneto…I even like Rogue and Wolverine is also my fav…Harry Potter…Narnia…gosh they are so many and everyone is so tempting in their own way but I guess I would like to have super powers of Mystique 😀

Don’t tell me you don’t know Mystique…the blue color gal from X-MEN series…come on man…the shape shifter gal…who is capable of taking any shape she desires…now you got it…well if you still don’t know who is she…get yourself killed because you are good for nothing…I mean I am talking about Mystique the most sexy and desirable lady Vamp of the Fantasy World…

I want to have super powers like her because she is a shape shifter…I can be anyone in this world…I mean  just imagine…I can take the shape of George Clooney’s current girlfriend and spend the whole evening in his arms…or I could happen to be Angelina Jolie and flaunt Brad Pitt as my husband 😀

Wouldn’t it be awesome…I could expose so many people’s dark and bad secrets…I mean like these politicians who are sucking blood out of our country…I will be able to kill rapist and all these terrorists without ever revealing my identity…that would be incredible…and of course I am going to be like GOOD GIRL GONE BAD (Robinhood)…I will stay good at heart but will take revenge like a killer 😈 …COOL NA…

And in the end I will marry Wolverine…obviously a hot and sexy girl like me definitely deserve hot and sexy husband like Wolverine 😀  …but the best thing about that super power would be, I will be living in the dream of remaining young and beautiful…which every woman in this world wants…

Dreaming about my life with those SUPER POWERS:D

Love  ❤ AARYA

4 thoughts on “I WANNA BE MYSTIQUE…”

  1. That’s super fun, streak of evil which is needed in the world and dollops of naughtiness. It’s a winner all the way and m sure u’ll be among the Top WoW posts:)

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